Friday, November 21, 2008

Free will. Blessing or curse?

Sometimes I think it isn't fair to have a free will. It's like it's almost punishment. I would rather be made to do something than have the option to make the wrong decision. The idea that path of my life and the direction it takes is scarey. One thing I am learning though is when you live for God that He will bless whatever you put your hand to. The Bible says if even you give a cup of cold water in His name you will have a reward. And people live that kind of life all the time.

It's what the Bible means when it says there is God's good, acceptable, and perfect will. I used to overlook that until I found out the true meaning of it. We have the right to chose where our life goes. God will bless it either way. You can live in His good will, His acceptable will, or His perfect will. I like to think that His perfect will is that path very few people take. It's where they die to themselves completely. They die to their dreams and desires and live every single day to hear God's voice in everything they do. I would also think that the average Christian lives in the good will. They go to church, are good people, have families and good jobs. They love God and live for Him, but within their own comforts and agenda's. Enough to ease their conscience that they are "Christians." And then there is the acceptable will folks. They're the ones that are doing something for God. Maybe they thought because one time they spoke at a youth function and everyone loved it so much they thought they should preach. So they build this whole ministry on a foundation of talent to speak in front of a group of people. They are doing the work of the Lord and reaching many people for His kingdom. But they were never called to preach. They were called to be a minister in the workplace! (for the sake of an example.)

So you might be kinda lost right now. But my whole point is to make you squirm a little and figure out what category you fit in. You know what, what brings God pleasure most is our obedience. We can worship Him and pray all day long, feel better about ourselves for spending "quality time" with Him, but if there is something He has been wanting us to do and we have still failed to do it, would He enjoy our "I love you's" more or our obedience of what He asked. Any parent could probably answer that question! Now, of course God loves our worship and petitions and He will accept that anyway. He loves us where we are and He always will. It is our choice how far in God we go. It is our choice how obedient we become. It is our choice to live the good, acceptable, or perfect will of God. Either way, He will still love us the same. He will still bless what we do for Him. If all we ever do is love Him and live the simple Christian life, He will love us even then. It isn't about what works we do for Him, how much recognition we recieve, how much fame we achieve. It's about our fellowship with Him. Obedience to His word. You have to take one step at a time to get where you are going. If you try to take too many you will trip over your feet and fall.

Not to go down a rabbit trail, but just remember. Bottom line. He loves us. He meets us where we are. All He wants is us. But we choose. How much we want of Him. Don't seek the gifts. Don't seek the fame and satisfaction in ministry. Seek Him. Every day, every day. Whatever life you choose for yourself, know that He is still there to bless it. So, is free will such a bad thing after all?