Friday, November 21, 2008

Who knew?

Just you in a such a huge world could make you feel slightly insignificant. I know for me that when I get in the grind of my daily activities and routines I sometimes overlook people around me, or the way I present myself. You never realize just how important your interaction with people are.

I was in a hurry and on my lunch break yesterday and had to run somewhere and pick something up! As I was getting off the elevator I kept my determined stare at my destination and paid no mind to the people around me. Almost like, well I don't know them so it doesn't really matter if I acknowledge them with a smile or a hello. They won't know the difference. As I was getting off and oblivious to everything around me, I heard a, "hello how are you?" I looked up and it was the person that interviewed me for the job I have now. Of course I returned her salutations with an empty American response. "Good, how are you?" And went on my way. The point of telling that story is to remind us of how important every impression that we give off is. You never know who you might run into or how your simple smile might change a person's life that day.

Walk proudly with your head held high and a smile always on your face. Today, getting on the elevator for lunch again, I ended up with 2 older gentleman. Sometimes we might think it as a curtosy to keep quiet and not bother your fellow elevator rider, but I decided to break that rule for once and test my abilities. We talked about the crack in the floor and how one man assumed it was from the ladies stilletos. I chimed in with my two cents and we had a merry conversation from the fifth to the first floor. If any impression at all was left on my end, I hope it to be a, "Wow, what a friendly young lady. Not one of those snooty young people."

Finally, with my job, I am the first person you see when you walk in the office, and the first person you talk to on the phone. There is nothing I hate more than unfriendly voices and faces in positions such as mine. So I make it a point to impress! One of our maintenace crew for our properties came in the other day and said, "Hey there smiley! What happened? My friend came in and said you didn't smile and I thought man, she always smiles!" So the one time that I didn't smile, so she thought, I made an impression. I would have never thought of it again had she not mentioned it. So we don't realize how much of an impression we have on people. Whether good or bad, we leave an impression!

So I will challenge you today, before you get too wrapped up in your own life and agenda, play a game that only you know about. See how many lives you can touch by just being a little friendlier. Besides, smiling will even make you feel better about yourself!! Try it! :D